Ways to Avoid Summer Illnesses

Summer has started. Summer heat is also increasing continuously. In general, our skin has the ability to withstand the effects of heat very well. When the heat starts to rise, it reacts quickly, releasing sweat to cool the body.

Skin is the largest organ of our body. Parallel to this skin, there is a ’tissue film’ (Interstitial Tissues) underneath it. It consists of billions of tissues. Between these tissues there is ‘interstitial fluid’. Our skin uses a layer of tissue and the interstitial fluid in between to protect us from external heat.

Effects of summer heat:

Thermal Muscle Cramp: The skin secretes sweat to cool the body. When sweating profusely, sodium salt is also profuse and can cause muscle cramps. Arms, legs and muscles are the most affected. At that time, spasms in the anterior abdominal muscles can cause severe pain.

Drinking saline water can reduce this pain to a great extent. Shade, water, thin cotton clothing and ventilated environment can help prevent heat cramps.

l Heat Exhaustion: Heat exhaustion is a severe form of heat injury. This is a medical emergency. Heatstroke can cause tingling sensation on the skin, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, irritability, headache, thirst, weakness, profuse sweating, less urination, defecation, fainting and falling down. Blood pressure may drop and fainting may occur.

If the affected person is immediately taken to a shaded area, given a saline solution to drink, and kept lying down in a ventilated environment, he will be completely fine.

l Heat stroke (Sun stroke): Heat stroke occurs when the body temperature exceeds 106 degrees. The skin is warm. Headache, dizziness, fatigue, confusion, increased breathing rate, disorientation etc. The victim may faint and lose consciousness. Muscles lose strength; Heart beats fast; Blood pressure will decrease. This is a dangerous situation.

Move the affected person out of the sun to the shade, loosen clothing and provide ventilation, and cool the skin by pouring cold water over the body. By rubbing, pressing and massaging the wet body, you can avoid body heat.

Summer Skin Diseases

l Heat rash: Symptoms of heat rash are redness, itching and prickling of the skin. It causes the skin to become thick and itchy. Nylon, polyester clothing, sweat etc. can cause sweat.

Thin cotton clothing, ventilation, shade, and frequent sips of water can help prevent sweating. Bathing three times a day in summer is good for skin care.

l Boul: Germs can grow where the dust settles in the sweat of the skin. By scratching the resulting pus, the skin becomes scratched and germs enter through it, causing small pus blisters at the root of the skin hair. In people with diabetes, these blisters can appear on many areas of the skin.

Antibiotics are needed to cure this. Proper skin care and cleanliness can prevent disease.

l Eczema: Eczema and skin diseases can occur due to the growth of fungus and fungus in the moisture of prolonged sweat. Toes, underarms, navel, back of thighs, back, chest, body loins are more likely to occur during hot season. Especially for diabetics. Bathing three times a day and skin care is essential.

l Skin inflammation: Burning skin irritation followed by redness and blisters. It will be painful. It affects the nervous system. A vaccine is available to prevent this caused by the measles virus.

The virus attacks children as smallpox, causing blisters and rashes all over the body that clear up in two weeks.

l Cold sore (herpes simplex): It is a skin disease caused by a viral infection. Occurs on the upper and lower lips. Once infected, the virus stays in the body for life. This causes irritation with painful blisters on the lips every summer. Lay people believe that it comes from lizard urine, but that is wrong.

For this, anti-viral medicine and ointment applied to the sores are prescribed by the doctors. Avoiding the sun is the only way to prevent chapped lips.

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