Why do sinus headaches occur?

Health problems such as cold, runny nose, asthma attacks are more common in winter. However, some people have these problems in summer as well. In particular, people with sinus problems are always prone to singing.

What is ‘Sinus’?

We have four pairs of air sacs around our nose. This is called sinus. Sinus in the forehead above the eyebrow, inside the nose – frontal sinus. Cheek sinus on either side of nose – Maxillary sinus. Between the eye and the nose – the ethmoid sinus. Sinus behind the eyes adjacent to the brain – sphenoid sinus. Any damage to any of these is a problem.

These sinus air sacs do the important job of heating the air we breathe into the lungs. Normally, a small amount of fluid drains from the sinus chambers and into the nose. There is a mucous membrane in the nose. Sinus fluid keeps it moist. As a result, even though the outside air enters with heat, it is moistened and sent into the lungs. Sinusitis occurs when the fluid drains of these sinus chambers become blocked and fluid accumulates there.

Why sinus infection?

Poor health, environmental pollution and allergies are the main causes of sinus problems. Bacterial, viral and fungal infections can cause sinus problems when you catch a cold. The presence of a median bony arch that bisects the nasal cavity and a growth of nasal tissue known as a ‘polyp’ triggers this problem.

Inflammation is basically when infectious germs present in polluted air enter the sinus chamber, the ‘mucous membrane’ there swells and becomes inflamed. Due to this, excess lymph fluid is secreted and exits through the nose. The same is true if you catch a cold, get allergic to dust, smoke, perfume, eat something very cold, walk in snow, or stay wet for a long time in the rain.

As the inflammation in the sinus chamber increases and the flesh grows in the nose, this water becomes blocked to the point where it cannot escape. Then they will continue to suck their nose. This increases the pressure in the sinus chamber and worsens the situation.

What are the symptoms?

Common symptoms of sinus infection include frequent sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, and headache. Touching the areas below the eyes, chin and forehead causes pain. Bending the head increases the weight of the head. These are accompanied by fever, sore throat, coughing at night, and fatigue. Yellow or green mucus discharge. If the sinus infection persists, the mucus will smell bad. Does not smell; Cannot taste.

What is the treatment?

Since allergies are the main cause of this problem, treatment should be done to eliminate the allergy first. You can take antihistamine tablets to stop a runny nose. It is not good to use nasal drops to relieve nasal congestion. Drops
may seem to provide initial relief. But, in the end, this will not provide relief.

Steroid nasal sprays can be used instead. These do not cause any side effects. Since they are used outside the nose, there is no chance of the steroid drug mixing in the blood. It is important to use these nasal sprays for the duration prescribed by the doctor. It is good to use tincture benzoin, menthol, eucalyptus medicine etc. to relieve nasal congestion and steam in the morning and at night. This will loosen the mucus in the nose and drain it easily. Antibiotics can be prescribed if an infection is suspected.

Endoscopy can help!

Earlier they used to make a hole in the nose to drain the sinus fluid. Many people hesitate to come for treatment because of this fear. This situation no longer exists. With the help of endoscopy, ‘Balloon sinuplasty’ (Balloon sinuplasty), a modern treatment method, can provide complete relief by providing very precise treatment without pain. This tool can also treat the curvature of the middle bone of the nose, flesh growth etc.

How to prevent?

Protect yourself from germs by maintaining personal cleanliness and environmental hygiene. Eat a balanced diet to stay healthy. Frequent colds should be avoided. Avoid being around people who have a cold. Allergen should be avoided. People who are allergic to dust and smoke can wear a face mask while traveling in the vehicle. Pranayama should be practiced daily for at least half an hour. Drink as much water as you need. Cold foods like ice and ice cream must be avoided.


Never drink soft drinks. Don’t wander in the snow. Do not smoke. Do not live in smoky places. Do not use nose powder. Do not bathe in contaminated water. Don’t blow your nose too hard. Do not pick your nose frequently with your fingers.

A decongestant inhaler should not be used too often. Doing so will increase the pressure in the sinus chamber and exacerbate the inflammation, not reduce it. Similarly, if you apply too much ‘Veparab’ Ointment on the nose, the blood vessels in the nose will burst and the nose will become sore.

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