Monsoon Diseases: Precaution is essential

This is the season when monsoons are most expected. During this time, it is very important not to forget the dangers of rain. Due to increase in humidity in the environment it can cause many diseases and infections. This period is favorable for bacteria and viruses. To avoid these infections during the rainy season, one should be extra careful in maintaining hygiene. Diseases can spread through air, water, mosquitoes etc. during rainy season. Mosquitoes breed more during the rainy season. Viral fever and colds are common in rainy season. Here are some tips to protect yourself from monsoon diseases:

Viral fever and cold: Viral fever and cold are very common during monsoons. If one person gets it, it affects others nearby. Fluctuations in temperature – weather makes infectious particles easier to infect the body and causes the disease to become more contagious. Important preventive measures include avoiding getting wet in the rain, drinking warm water instead of cold water to prevent throat infections, maintaining good hygiene habits such as washing hands and feet frequently, and eating home-cooked meals instead of restaurant meals.

Mosquito-Borne Infections: Mosquitoes breed profusely during the rainy season. Waterlogging increases mosquito breeding due to clogging of water bodies. Infections such as dengue and malaria can sometimes be life-threatening. The most important way to prevent such diseases is to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes and to clean stagnant water. Ensure mosquito netting on home windows and use mosquito repellents as needed.

Water borne diseases: Water borne diseases like cholera, typhoid, hepatitis A also increase during rainy season. Bacteria that cause these infections are spread through contaminated food and water. The main symptoms of these diseases are fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea and jaundice. To avoid contracting these water-borne diseases, it is best to boil clean water and drink it. Another important cause of these diseases is food contamination. Therefore, one should ensure to consume well-cooked, home-cooked food. Always keep your hands clean.

Some more important features

l Hydration: Staying hydrated is one of the most important aspects of maintaining health. Most people do not feel thirsty during monsoons. As a result, they rarely drink water. This can lead to urinary disorders like kidney stones, urinary tract infection.

Intimate hygiene: Excessive humidity during monsoons can lead to infections in the female genital area due to imbalance in acid-alkaline balance levels. In particular, fungal infections occur. Symptoms of these infections include itching, irritation, discomfort, and pain. Therefore, intimate hygiene is also very important during monsoons.

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