How to prevent pneumonia in winter?

Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs. It can be caused by a variety of causes including fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Pneumonia is more common in winter.

It’s not the cold that makes pneumonia more common in winter; Pneumonia spreads more because people stay indoors and are in close contact with large numbers of people. A few precautions can help you avoid contracting pneumonia during the colder months.

Hygiene Habits: Practicing good hygiene habits is the number one way to help prevent pneumonia. Bacteria and viruses that can cause pneumonia are spread through direct contact with other people. Therefore, frequent hand washing can help prevent their spread. Make sure to wash your hands with soap. Similarly, when coughing, it is good practice to fold your hands and cough in that area. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands.

Flu vaccine: Since flu can cause pneumonia, it is a good idea to get a flu shot. This is a good way to prevent the flu. Everyone can wear it from babies above six months. The flu vaccine is especially recommended for the elderly, pregnant women, people with chronic health problems, people with weakened immune systems, their caregivers, and their families.

Pneumococcal vaccine: Pneumococcal is one of the most common and dangerous forms of pneumonia. Therefore, it is also a good idea to consider getting the pneumococcal vaccine. Although the vaccine does not prevent all types of pneumonia, the vaccine is effective in preventing the most common types of pneumonia. Adults age 65 and older, people ages 2 to 64 with chronic health conditions, and people who are prone to infections should get the pneumonia vaccine.

Just because you get the pneumococcal vaccine doesn’t mean you won’t get pneumonia. Some patients report getting pneumonia even after being vaccinated. But intensive care unit (ICU) admissions and death were significantly less likely among those vaccinated. Getting this vaccine protects the patient from death and serious illness.

What to do? – Learn breathing exercises to help increase the breathing capacity of your lungs. Keep your home free of dust, mold and allergens. Clean your bed, carpets, sofas regularly. If you have symptoms of pneumonia, such as a cough, yellow or green sputum, or high fever, contact your doctor immediately.

Avoid smoking completely. Also avoid crowded places. The house should be well ventilated. You can try using an air purifier or air humidifier. Make sure the body is not dehydrated. Inhale as per doctor’s prescription. Do not try home remedies that make the problem worse.

Eat a nutritious diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, and low in protein. Citrus fruits, turmeric, ginger etc. help build immunity. Avoid processed, processed, fried, oily, boxed foods, preservatives, artificial additives and artificial flavorings as they can cause throat irritation. They also help prevent pneumonia.

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