Kidney Diseases: A healthy lifestyle can protect us

Kidney disease is a major public health problem worldwide. According to the 2015 Global Burden of Disease study, kidney disease is the 12th leading cause of death worldwide. In the past ten years, deaths due to kidney disease have increased by 32 percent.

Deaths from heart disease fell by ten percent during the same period; Deaths from lung disease fell by three percent. These data indicate the risk of kidney disease.

Today’s modern lifestyle is the main reason for the rampant development of kidney disease. In today’s modern lifestyle, on the one hand, nutrient dense food is available in abundance; The other side is less physical work. It is the ups and downs between these that increase our body weight and lead to kidney disease.

What is kidney disease? – Kidneys are essential for a healthy body. Kidneys are seed-shaped organs located at the base of the rib cage. There is a kidney on each side of the spine. Each kidney contains ten million nephrons.

An important function of the kidneys is to filter waste products, excess water and other impurities from the blood. Nephrons inside the kidneys separate these wastes from the blood and pass them out through the urine.

Kidneys regulate pH, salt, and potassium levels in the body. The kidneys themselves produce hormones that control blood pressure and red blood cell production; Kidneys also help our body absorb calcium. If too much calcium accumulates in the kidneys, kidney stones will form.

Kidney disease is when the kidneys become damaged and lose their ability to filter blood. People suffering from chronic diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure are at high risk of developing kidney disease. Kidney disease can lead to health problems including bone weakness, nerve damage, and malnutrition.

If kidney disease worsens over time, the sufferer’s kidneys will stop working completely. Dialysis is then required to remove the waste from the blood. Dialysis is a treatment that filters and purifies the blood using a machine. It cannot cure kidney disease; But, it will extend your life. In severe cases, only kidney transplant can save the patient’s life.

Risk Factors: Diabetic patients are at increased risk of developing kidney disease. Yes, diabetes is a leading cause of kidney disease. Data shows that 44 percent of people suffering from kidney diseases are diabetic. Research shows that African Americans, Asians, and American Indians are more likely to develop kidney disease. Factors that increase the chances of developing kidney disease include:

* High blood pressure.

* Family history of chronic kidney disease.

* Elderly people.

Treatment: The main aim of treating kidney disease is to focus more on controlling the underlying causes of kidney disease. That is, the doctor will pay extra attention to controlling blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood cholesterol. Changing your diet is as important as taking pills.

What to do?

Kidney disease does not go away once diagnosed. Adopting a healthy lifestyle and following your doctor’s advice is the best way to maintain kidney health. Creatine dosage should not exceed 2.0 mg for children and 5.0 mg for adults.

For some people, kidney disease may worsen over time; It can even lead to kidney failure. Kidney failure can be life-threatening if untreated, including dialysis. Dialysis is a process of managing kidney function externally. In this procedure, a machine is used to filter waste from the blood. In some cases, the doctor may recommend a kidney transplant for the victim.

It is good to drink plenty of water (2 to 3 liters) daily. If you have diabetes, you need to control your blood sugar with appropriate treatment. Proper management of blood pressure is essential. Diet is very important. Reduce salt in the diet. It is better to avoid salty food items like pickles, karuvad, waffles. Exercising daily can help maintain overall health. It is better to avoid foods that are high in fat content. Avoiding junk foods can help reduce the risk of kidney disease.

Eat a heart-healthy diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products. Stop drinking alcohol completely. If you are a smoker, you should stop immediately. Maintain a healthy body weight. Do not take pain relievers without a doctor’s prescription. Importantly, getting enough good sleep at night is essential for kidney health.

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