Protect your eyes before glaucoma occurs

What is eye pressure? – Our eye has two chambers called anterior chamber and posterior chamber. A fluid is continuously secreted in the anterior chamber by aqueous humor. It continues to drain through the trabecular meshwork there.

This fluid creates a pressure in the eye. Blood pressure in our body is 120/80 mmHg. As in our eye water pressure is 10 mmHg. First 21 mmHg will be up to

If the intraocular fluid secretion is excessive or there is a problem with the trabecular meshwork draining continuously, the intraocular fluid pressure increases and it compresses the optic nerve. As a result, when the nerve is continuously stressed it can damage the nerve beyond repair.

First, it affects peripheral vision. Then little by little it affects the entire optic nerve and leads to loss of vision. This damage that secretly steals our vision without our knowledge is irreversible.


* Eye redness

* Headache

* Eye pain

* Appearance of colored rings when viewed

* Sudden blurred vision

* Vomiting

Who can come? – Everyone from newborns to the elderly can suffer from eye pressure disease. Especially people who take steroid tablets, diabetics, people with high blood pressure, people who wear glasses, people who have already been hit in the eye, people who have low iris thickness, people over forty years of age, etc.

Glaucoma is also possible in newborns. If symptoms such as large eyes, white iris appear, you should consult an ophthalmologist immediately.

If there is a family member with glaucoma, all blood relatives should get a glaucoma test once a year. Importantly, people with eye injuries are likely to have life-long increases in intraocular pressure. Therefore, they need regular checkups throughout the year.

Diagnostic tests

* Measurement of eye water pressure

* Examining the drainage of the eye

* Diagnosis of nerve damage in the eye

* Testing for side vision by asking the eye to look straight ahead

* Examination of iris thickness

* A computer-aided test to accurately diagnose early optic nerve damage.

Treatment of the disease: If the water pressure in our eye is found to be high, the optic nerve scan will help the ophthalmologists to find out the extent of damage to the optic nerve.

The eye doctor will perform a visual field test, which is a 360-degree examination of your vision, including your side vision, to determine how much water pressure your eye needs and to prescribe drops.

It can be used for life as per doctor’s advice. Even if the eye pressure is normal, eye pressure medication should not be stopped without the doctor’s advice.

Glaucoma can be corrected by surgically diverting the fluid in the anterior chamber or laser peripheral iridotomy, if the eye pressure does not decrease despite the use of this eye pressure medication, or if the nerve damage is more severe.

Everyone should know about Glaucoma and how to prevent it from affecting their eyesight.

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