Muscular Dystrophy: An Understanding

Muscular dystrophy is a disease that weakens the muscles that help move the body. It is also known as muscular dystrophy.

The disease causes skeletal muscle weakness, defects in muscle proteins, and as the disease progresses, muscle fibers degenerate.


Genetic factors are the underlying cause of this disease. Before knowing about genetic factors it is important to know about genes. A gene is a unit that transmits the inherited characteristics of an organism to its offspring.

Genes are passed from parents to their offspring during reproduction. There are genes based on two types of chromosomes, male (X,Y) and female (X,X).

Generally, the mother’s genome and the father’s genome are different. Because of consanguineous marriages, the mother’s and father’s genes may be identical.

Children born to such parents are more likely to develop muscular dystrophy. There are three types of genetic disorders: Recessive Inherited, Dominant Inherited, and X Linked.

A persistent genetic problem

A person with a recessive genetic disorder has inherited copies of that gene from their parents. But he is not affected by the inherited gene. He will only pass on that gene to his next generation.

If both parents have this condition, their children are more likely to develop muscular dystrophy. Data suggests that one in four children born with this disease will develop muscular dystrophy.

Genetically dominant problems

In this condition, one of the parents will have a genetic problem. Another may not have the genetic problem. Children born to such parents have a 50% chance of developing muscular dystrophy.

Myotonic dystrophy (Facio Scapulahumeral dystrophy), Occulopharyngeal muscular dystrophy, Limb Girdle Muscular dystrophy, etc.

Gender Bonding Problem

It is based on chromosomes. If the genetically altered chromosome links to the (X,Y) duplicate chromosome of the male, i.e. the father, the unborn child is more likely to have this condition.

But if the genetically altered chromosome links to the female’s (X,X) duplicate chromosome, the unborn child is less likely to be affected. That is, the impact of this effect is less in girls and more in boys.

Other factors

Muscular dystrophy is also possible as a result of spontaneous genetic mutations rather than being inherited. Such a modified gene or affected gene may be passed down through many generations. In all of the above-mentioned types, the parent may be unaffected and in many cases a carrier of a copy of the affected gene.


No specific drugs have yet been found for muscular dystrophy. People with muscular dystrophy who have respiratory problems should see their doctor and take the necessary medicines and nutritional supplements to reduce and prevent respiratory problems.

Conventional medicine

While there is no cure for muscular dystrophy, conventional medicine can provide some benefit to muscular dystrophy patients with some physical exercises. Traditional medicine has exercises and suggestions for preventing muscle wasting, walking, and taking care of their own activities. Mainly, traditional medicine can help prevent deformity.

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