Blood pressure: Indifference can be dangerous

Hemophilia is a disease that kills us silently. It accounts for 60 percent of all deaths in the 40 to 60 age group worldwide. Importantly, 27 percent of heart diseases are caused by hypertension. No other data is needed to indicate the risk of bleeding.

Blood Pressure: Blood pressure is the pressure exerted on the inner walls of the blood vessels by the blood flowing through them. Keeping this blood pressure in a normal level or range is important for the health of the body and organs. Proper blood pressure will carry blood from the scalp to the soles of the feet. If blood pressure exceeds normal, blood flow to parts of the body is blocked or reduced. A blocked or blocked area of ​​the body rots and dies. In the end it will lead us to disaster.

Type: There are two types of blood pressure namely systolic and diastolic. Systolic is the pressure at which the heart ejects blood. Diastolic is the pressure at which the heart inhales blood. Systolic is high; Diastolic is lower. A blood pressure of 120/80 is normal. 120 is systolic and 80 is diastolic.

This default changes with age. For example, a systolic pressure of 120 to 136 and a diastolic pressure of 82 to 86 is considered normal for a teenager between the ages of 10 and 19.

Five Types of Thresholds: Blood pressure thresholds are classified into five by the American Heart Association. They are:

Normal: In this case the blood pressure is 120/80. Those who are in this situation can maintain their health by adopting heart-healthy habits, including following a balanced diet and exercising regularly.

Elevated stage: In this stage, systolic pressure remains between 120 and 129 and diastolic pressure remains above 90. People with this condition are more likely to develop blood clots if not treated properly.

Stage 1 hypertension: Systolic pressure is between 130 and 139 and diastolic pressure is above 90. Doctors may prescribe lifestyle changes and blood pressure medication for people with this condition. They are at risk of heart disease and stroke.

Hypertension stage 2: In this stage blood pressure is persistently higher than 140/90. People with this condition need lifestyle changes and blood pressure medication. It is also a good idea to have an ECG echo every year.

High blood pressure condition: People with this condition need immediate medical supervision. Their blood pressure suddenly goes above 180/120. In this case, there is a risk of damage to body parts. If you experience chest pain, shortness of breath, back pain, confusion, extreme weakness, difficulty speaking, vision problems, immediate medical attention can help to avoid serious complications.

There are two types of hypertension namely primary or essential hypertension and secondary hypertension. Primary hypertension is related to a person’s age. There are no known causes for this.

Secondary hypertension can be caused by various diseases including adrenal gland tumors, kidney disease and thyroid problems. Lifestyle factors such as diet, lack of physical activity, drinking and smoking can also cause it. Cough, cold medicines, some pain relievers, birth control pills etc. can also cause this effect.

Which number is more important? – In general, systolic blood pressure is the main risk factor for heart disease in people over the age of 50. For most people, systolic blood pressure rises steadily with age due to the stiffness of the large arteries. Due to this, the possibility of developing blood clots, heart diseases, vascular diseases etc. increases. However, elevated systolic or diastolic blood pressure readings may be used to diagnose high blood pressure.

What are the potential risks?

l Heart attack or stroke

l Heart failure

l Dilation of blood vessels

l Kidney disorders

l Visual disturbances

l Metabolic syndrome

l Disruption in thinking

l Dementia


l Smoking
l Obesity
l High level of salt (only 5 grams in broth)
l Alcoholism
l Lack of physical activity
l Stress
l Kidney diseases
l Diabetes
l Hereditary causes

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