Small grains that improve children’s well-being

Due to westernization and lifestyle changes, small grains which used to be a staple food have become alien to us. As a result we have become close to countless diseases. Today, the effects of diabetes and obesity have not spared children. However, due to nutritional, non-perishability and environmental benefits of small grains, they are gaining importance again.

India is the leading producer of small grains in the world. Some of the small grain crops of India include corn, rye, and millet. These tiny grains are packed with nutrients. These are now recognized as nutritional grains that improve the health of our body.

Benefits for children

As the physical and mental development of their child is important to every parent, they pay extra attention to meet the daily nutritional requirements of the child. They find nutritious foods and cook them in flavors.

Now, small grains have eased parents’ daily search for nutritious food. This dish is also easy to cook. Foods like idli, dosa, chapati, khichdi cooked with small grains are easily digestible and non-allergenic for children.

Highly nutritious

Children have unique nutritional needs that differ from adults. They need foods that can provide them with essential nutrients. A proper diet for children should contain all the essential nutrients required for their proper development. Whole grains have all those features.

Nutritious whole grains benefit children’s health in many ways. Small grains are rich in fiber, protein, iron and calcium, which are essential for children. Because of this, small grain food is a balanced daily diet rich in essential nutrients for children.


Protein in small-grain foods – promotes muscle growth; Zinc – helps with cognitive functions; Magnesium – reduces fatigue; Improves fiber-digestion; Calcium – strengthens bones; Iron – Increases hemoglobin formation. As small grains contain up to 15-20 percent fiber, it improves the overall digestive health of children. Its prebiotic fiber is also a good source of healthy gut bacteria growth.

In today’s age, malnutrition is one of the biggest challenges facing children. It makes children more susceptible to infections and less likely to recover from them. Importantly, it also stunts their growth. A small grain diet can go a long way in combating this nutritional deficiency that affects children and improving their health.

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