Why is kidney failure on the rise?

Recently in Tamil Nadu Directorate of Public Health – Disease Prevention and Department of Urology of Chennai Medical College conducted a research. This study is necessary as there is no systematic data on kidney diseases in our state.

The survey conducted at 177 places across the state has revealed many shocking information. First, one in five people in Tamil Nadu have some form of kidney disease. Second, ten percent of people have a serious condition called ‘CKD-Chronic Kidney Disease’. Third, kidney infection is more common in women than men. Fourth, another ten percent have early stage kidney disease. This is the conclusion of the study.

This indicates the need to increase awareness about the kidneys, which are known as the body’s waste factory, not only among the educated but also among the general public.

what is the reason? – Most of the more than 5,000 people in this study are unaware that their kidneys are affected. They are unaware of the kidneys that are quietly degenerating inside the body. Therefore, many people come for treatment only when the kidneys are completely damaged and a transplant kidney can be transplanted. Kidneys can’t be replaced at the time everyone thinks they can be, just like the lenses in the eyes of people with cataracts can be replaced. There are many difficulties in getting a kidney transplant; There are also legal issues. Until then they should be on dialysis. It costs more. Hence, it is wise to focus on protecting the kidneys from an early age.

How is the kidney affected? – High blood pressure, uncontrolled diabetes, smoking, alcohol consumption, kidney infections, kidney stones, obesity, tuberculosis, side effects of painkillers, food toxins, prostate inflammation, cancer etc. affect the kidney. Early treatment of these disorders can reduce kidney problems. Failure to do so can lead to gradual kidney failure.

What are the symptoms? – Assume that our kidney has started to suffer from some minor damage, first the urine output will decrease. The face will swell. Water accumulates in the body. Swollen feet. Not hungry. Nausea and vomiting. Decreased sleep. The body is always tired. Shortness of breath. Abdominal pain often. Weight loss. Hiccups. Itching of the skin.

What tests are available? – People with these symptoms should seek medical advice once a month. Only then can the degeneration of the kidneys be arrested at the first stage. Urine microalbumin level, blood urea, creatinine, BUN, eGFR (eGFR) levels and renal ultrasound examination can show the status of kidney. Then the developmental stages of kidney disorder will be known.

Let the blood pressure be correct! – To prevent kidney damage, people over the age of 30 should have their blood pressure measured monthly. Diet, exercise and proper lifestyle can bring blood pressure under control. If blood pressure is above 130/90 then consult a doctor and take blood pressure pills.

Salt – beware! – If you eat less salt in your diet, your blood pressure will be normal. This habit also protects the kidneys. A person needs only 5 grams of table salt per day. Pickles, Karuvad, Waffles. Salt, baking soda, vadagam, wathal, chips, sauce, popcorn, cheese, fermented buttermilk, sev, sewal, chocolate, biscuits should be completely avoided. Red meat and fatty foods like mutton and beef should be reduced. Processed packet food, fast food, instant food and artificially colored food are high in salt. They should also be avoided.

Let the blood sugar be normal! – 50% of people with diabetes also have kidney damage. 60% of them are forced to undergo dialysis due to kidney failure. Therefore, the blood sugar level should also be maintained properly. A three-month average blood sugar level (HbA1C) of 6.5%.

Complicated kidney infection! – Urinary irritation, scanty urination, chills, vomiting, abdominal pain are symptoms of urinary tract infection. It is important to take medications that are appropriate for the type of infection that is causing the infection. Also, keep the urinary tract clean and dry. Do not hold back urine. If you feel the urge to urinate, it is better to stop immediately. In general, having a habit of urinating at regular intervals will prevent infection. Protects the kidneys.

Drinking water is important! – In our tropical country, we should drink at least 3 liters of water daily. Only then will the toxins including urea be flushed out from the kidneys. This will prevent kidney damage. It also prevents the formation of kidney stones. Meanwhile, people who already have kidney problems should not drink this much water. Drink as much as the doctor tells you. Don’t drink soda to quench your thirst. It is better to drink water and natural fruit juices instead.

Do not self-medicate! – Pain pills for arthritis, back pain, flatulence, steroid pills for asthma, and strong antibiotic drugs if taken in excess or too often can affect the kidneys. So, do not buy any medicine from pharmacies without consulting a doctor. Finally, this is also important. Do not smoke. Neither will alcohol. The reason is that the chemicals present in both of these are harmful to the kidneys. Control body weight to protect kidneys. Exercise for half an hour every day. Any exercise is good. However, walking is a simple exercise that works for everyone. Kidneys get benefit.

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