Oral Cancer: Awareness Can Protect

Cancer is a condition in which certain cells in the body grow out of control and spread to other parts of the body. Although there are many types of cancer, oral cancer is the most common and prevalent among them.

Oral cancer is more common in men than in women. In India, it is the low-income people who suffer the most. In recent times, women and young people are increasingly affected.

India’s position

The prevalence of oral cancer in India is alarming compared to western countries. The main reason for that is that 70 percent of patients are diagnosed in an advanced state. As a result, saving them from oral cancer becomes a huge challenge. Only 20 percent of them have a chance of surviving even a maximum of five years. Only prompt treatment and early detection of the disease can help increase the survival rate of those affected.

Factors of Oral Cancer:

l Smokeless tobacco

l Chewing betel nut

l Excessive alcohol consumption

l Poor oral hygiene

l Eating foods that are low in nutrients

l Viral infections (human papillomavirus, HPV)

l Tobacco use is one of the leading causes of oral cancer. Tobacco, in any form, is a major cause of cancer. This is a major problem in developing countries.

Places of occurrence

This type of cancer can develop in many places, including the lips, cheeks, salivary glands, gums, tongue, hard palate, and soft palate. Depending on where oral cancer first appears, it can exhibit a variety of warning signs. Detecting the early signs of oral cancer can be difficult at times. Generally, people above 40 years of age are considered to be susceptible to oral cancer. However, shockingly, recently younger age groups are also suffering from oral cancer.


As with many types of cancer, the symptoms of oral cancer vary from person to person.

l Sore or irritated mouth or throat

l Presence of white or red skin on the inside of the mouth

l Sensation of something stuck in throat

l Hoarseness or voice changes

l Persistent cough

l Difficulty chewing, swallowing or speaking

l Difficulty moving the jaw or tongue

l Numbness in the mouth

l Swelling in the jaw or neck

l Frequent nosebleeds

l Earache that does not affect hearing

l Unexplained weight loss


Because oral cancer can spread quickly, early detection is very important. Screening for oral cancer is painless; It only takes a few minutes. Dentists or dental hygienists will examine the face, neck, lips, and entire mouth during the exam to check for any possible signs of cancer. A tissue test can confirm cancer. A doctor will take a small piece of tissue or a sample of cells and examine it for oral cancer cells.

Ways of control

Preventive measures, early diagnosis and prompt treatment can go a long way in reducing the burden of oral cancer in India. It must be remembered that inadequate awareness and delay in seeking prompt treatment despite symptoms can increase the mortality rate. Stopping alcohol and tobacco use and maintaining good oral hygiene can help reduce the risk of oral cancer and prevent death. Importantly, it is very important to create adequate awareness about oral cancer.

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