Cancer: Don’t ignore the symptoms

Cancer is one of the most dangerous infectious diseases. Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide. Especially in this century. It is considered in the medical world that if a person does not have a heart attack until the age of 60, it is less likely to happen after that. Similarly, it is also believed that some type of cancer is the cause of death of those who live above 80 years. In 2020 alone, more than one crore deaths due to cancer have occurred globally. That is, one in six deaths worldwide is caused by cancer.

Uncontrollable proliferation

Normally, the cells of our body are duplicated through the process of ‘cell division’ after growth to form new cells needed by the body. These new cells mature or degenerate over time and die. New cells will be formed in their place. The formation and destruction of new cells is a natural phenomenon in our body.

However, in cancer, certain types of cells in the body grow and multiply uncontrollably. It will soon start spreading to nearby places. This spread inhibits the normal ‘cell division’ process of the cells there. This means that the normal cell proliferation of the cells in the affected area is inhibited and the cancer cells start to spread rapidly in that area. Cancer is a condition in which cells in the body break down profusely in some part, develop, proliferate and spread uncontrollably to other parts of the body.

Where does it occur?

The formation of new cells and the destruction of old cells is a chain reaction in our body. For some people this chain is broken due to some factors. For them, tens of thousands of cells arise and proliferate where one cell should be formed. These proliferating cells are called lumps. Based on the spread of these tissue tumors, they are classified into two types: Malignant and Benign. Cancer can spread to other parts of the body. A benign tumor does not spread to other sites.

Cancerous tumors can form anywhere in the body. Mouth, nose, throat, stomach, esophagus, intestines, liver, lungs, cervix, scrotum, brain, blood, skin are no exception to this. Breast cancer, Cervical cancer, Oral cancer, Colorectal cancer are the most common.


Heredity is the main cause of cancer. Next in line are tobacco, smoking, alcohol consumption, intoxicants like paan-gudka, and betel nut habit with tobacco.

Cancer can also be caused by many chemical factors such as asbestos roofing, arsenic chemicals, radiation, excessive sun exposure, and vehicle fumes. Re-boiling once boiled oil can also cause cancer.

A viral infection can also cause cancer. Human papillomavirus is the cause of cervical cancer in women. Epstein-Barr virus is responsible for various cancers in children.

Chemicals in food, food prepared in microwave oven, Teflon coating on non-stick utensils, plastic containers etc. are also known to cause cancer. Face paints, hair dyes, powders, sunscreen lotions are also dangerous.


l Prolonged fever

l Physical weakness

l Unbearable fatigue

l A tumor that forms in the body

Unexplained weight loss

l Persistent anemia

l Persistent diarrhoea

l Blood in urine, stool

l Bleeding from the nose

l Chronic indigestion

l Difficulty in swallowing food


l Radiation therapy

l Chemotherapy

l Targeted therapy

l Surgical removal of the tumor.

l One or more of the following treatments following surgery:

l Hormone therapy

l Immunotherapy

l Bone marrow or stem cell therapy

l Radiation therapy

In most cases, one or more of the above treatments may be required to completely remove cancer cells from the body. Every cancer treatment has risks and side effects. It is better to ask the doctor thoroughly before starting the treatment.

What to do?

l Exercise daily

l Eat vegetables, leafy greens and fruits regularly every day

l Reduce obesity

l It is better to avoid going in hot sun

l Avoid tobacco products

l Stop drinking alcohol

Cancer doesn’t take our lives right away. It constantly gives us many signs to warn us. Only if we ignore these symptoms, it can become serious and dangerous. Getting prompt treatment can prevent the risk of cancer. 

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