Stroke: It’s better to prevent it before it happens

In infectious diseases, cerebrovascular diseases are second only to cardiovascular diseases in terms of seriousness. If heart attack is the leading disease of the heart, stroke is the leading disease of the brain.

When the blood flow decreases in one side of the brain and becomes inactive, an arm, a leg, or a part of the face on the other side of the body becomes paralyzed. This is stroke. It is caused by a blood clot or leak in the blood vessels of the brain. The extent, nature and severity of the damage varies depending on the area of ​​the brain where blood flow is obstructed. Depending on the part of the brain that is affected, hearing, vision, and arm and leg functions may be affected. Damage to the area that controls the heart or where the cord starts can result in immediate death.


l High blood pressure

l Blood cholesterol

l Diabetes

l Smoking

l Obesity

l Lack of exercise

l Physically inactive lifestyle

l Unhealthy diet

l Stress, anxiety, fear, tension

How does it occur?

High blood pressure and blood cholesterol are major causes of stroke. Due to the accumulation of fat in the blood vessels of the heart, its capacity decreases and blood clots occur, obstructing blood flow. Also, the blood vessels of the brain may become blocked due to fat deposits and blood flow may be obstructed.

Stress and anxiety can also cause stroke. Stress causes the blood vessels in the brain to constrict. If the area that shrinks is already narrowed by fat, the severity of the damage will worsen. Regular treatment of blood pressure, cholesterol, stress, etc. can greatly reduce the risk of stroke.

Stress due to work, debt pressure, wedding functions, travel, festivals etc. is at its peak in the early morning, when the brain is awake. In this case, if a high blood pressure pill is taken in the morning, its effectiveness will be completely diluted the next morning. It increases the risk of stroke. Because of this, high blood pressure pills are prescribed at night.


l Numbness on one side of the face or body

l Sensation of pulling to one side

l Spinning words

l Slight angulation of the mouth

l Staggering while walking

l Decreased visual acuity and later clarity

l Handshake

l Sudden uncooperativeness of the fingers

l Unusual headache, vomiting, dizziness

Urgent need

Stroke symptoms should never be ignored. A doctor should be consulted within four hours of the onset of symptoms and appropriate treatment should be initiated. Blood pressure, blood sugar, blood cholesterol and other tests like ECG, Doppler, CT/MRI are also done to confirm the damage. A scan etc. will also be required.


A stroke caused by a blood clot is relatively easy to deal with. Damage caused by bleeding is difficult to deal with. Strokes caused by blood clots can be prevented by giving the drug ‘TPA’ within four hours of the onset of symptoms. If the clot is severe, the victim may also need a stent. Surgery can be used to stop the bleeding in people who have had a stroke due to haemorrhage. If the hemorrhage is clotted, it can also be removed.


Physical therapy (Physiotherapy), speech training, exercise etc. can help to get rid of the effects of stroke. Sufferers can slowly return to normal life by continuing these exercises. The family should give full cooperation and support for them to continue these exercises.

What to do?

We should always pay extra attention to the risk factors that cause stroke. As soon as you know that you have high blood pressure, you should immediately reduce the amount of salt in your diet. If blood cholesterol is detected, avoid fried foods and switch to whole foods. Eat a balanced diet that includes vegetables and leafy greens every day. It is important to exercise daily including walking and yoga. It is good to engage in methods such as meditation and breathing exercises to reduce stress.

Reducing debts, reducing needs, and being content with what you have will give you peace of mind and increase peace of mind. Blood pressure and cholesterol levels should be checked at adequate intervals as per the doctor’s recommendation. Never stop treatment without doctor’s advice.

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