Protect the brain and prevent malfunctions

According to the World Health Organization, about 5 to 11 percent of health problems are caused by neurodegenerative diseases. More than 12 percent of deaths worldwide are caused by neurological diseases. There is an increased incidence of brain and neurological diseases.

And the possibility of physical dysfunctions due to the impact of neurological diseases is also high. In this context, the World Neurological Association has organized this year’s World Brain Day (July 22) with the theme ‘Brain Health & Dysfunction’.

Paralysis that can occur in the body are all dysfunctions. It can be any deficiency in knowledge, energy, movement, development. Paralysis is usually not the only paralysis caused by brain damage. Cerebral developmental disorders such as autism and the effects of polio are also paralyzing. Paralysis can be divided into five categories.

Types of Paralysis:

Type 1: Babies who cannot breathe properly at birth may grow up stunted.

Type II: Children may have disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, etc. during their growing years.

Third type: Adults use of drugs and alcohol can cause cognitive impairment to such an extent that they are unable to perform daily tasks.

Type IV: Elderly people may suffer from stroke, amnesia, and Parkinson’s disease.

Fifth category: Injuries caused by head injuries, spinal cord injuries etc.

What to do? – In case of malfunctions and paralyzes due to such effects, it should not remain paralysed. You have to get used to living with paralysis. Life should not be lost due to physical failure. You should think about improving your body and mind from those problems.

There are special schools for people with Autism, Hyperactivity, Attention Deficit Disorder and Speech Difficulty. You have to use them. To recover from these problems, continuous therapy treatments, exercises, mental exercises, speech exercises, behavioral therapy, teaching through visuals etc. should be carried out. Through continuous exercises and efforts, you can recover from it to some extent.

If you have high blood pressure or diabetes, you should get it checked regularly and take the medicines prescribed by your doctor. Treatments for this are provided free of cost in government hospitals. Also, treatment for diseases caused by brain and neurological damage is also provided in Tamil Nadu Government Hospitals.

The central government’s Ayushman scheme, the state government’s insurance scheme, and ‘Innuyur Kaappom’ schemes to help accident victims should be used to protect themselves from brain problems. A head injury or stroke should be treated without delay. This can be obtained through government hospitals. By this, paralysis of the body can be avoided.

Exercises are essential: People suffering from brain and neurological diseases can reduce paralysis by doing proper exercises. People who have suffered a stroke should exercise regularly. People with epilepsy need to take medication as well as exercise. Amputees have to be fitted with prosthetics. This can help you recover from paralysis.

Preventive measures: The aim of this year’s World Brain Day is to prevent organ and organ failure due to brain and nerve damage. Therefore, efforts are being made to create awareness among people to maintain brain health. A proper diet is necessary to prevent paralysis due to brain diseases. Include vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. Non-vegetarian foods should be reduced. It helps control blood pressure.

Exercise should be done daily. Quit smoking and drinking. In addition to wearing helmets to prevent head injuries, speeding should be reduced. Do not ignore any symptoms. Exercises can also help brain health. Let’s all follow these and maintain brain health.

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