Childhood Cancer: Challenges and Treatment

Sarcoma, a childhood cancer, is one of the most devastating diseases. Bone cancer that usually occurs in young adults and children is referred to as childhood bone cancer or childhood sarcoma. Sarcoma is a term that refers to a group of different types of cancer. Among these, bone cancer known as osteosarcoma is the most common cancer.

Sarcoma: Childhood sarcoma is a group of rare cancers that develop in the bones and soft tissues of children. As far as bone cancer is concerned, osteosarcoma is the most common type of cancer diagnosed in childhood patients. This aggressive cancer develops in bone growth areas near the ends of long bones, such as the hands and feet.

Types: Osteosarcoma is one of the most common types affecting children. Other types of bone cancer include Ewing sarcoma, cartilage cancer, and squamous cell carcinoma. Each of these types of cancer has its own unique characteristics and treatment protocols. Early diagnosis is very important to determine the appropriate course of treatment for each child.

Unique challenges: Unlike cancers in adults, childhood sarcoma and bone cancer have many unique challenges.

Age-related problems: Children’s bones can grow and become larger. In this case, performing surgical procedures increases the complication. It is important to carefully consider the potential impact of surgery on limb mobility and development.

Emotional Vulnerability: Childhood is the most important period in a person’s growth and development. Being diagnosed with cancer at a young age can have a profound, emotional impact on young patients and their families. Therefore, psychosocial support and counseling should be provided to them throughout the cancer treatment period.

Potential for cancer to spread to other parts of the body: Childhood sarcoma, including bone cancer, has a higher tendency to metastasize to other organs than other cancers in adults. Close monitoring and appropriate imaging techniques are essential to detect metastases and manage them therapeutically.

Treatment Approaches: Surgery: Surgery plays an essential role in the treatment of childhood sarcoma. Only the tumor should be removed while retaining as much healthy bone and tissue as possible. To maintain limb mobility and quality of life, the affected bone is removed and artificial implants or bone grafts are used. These are surgeries that do not completely remove the arm and leg bones.

Chemotherapy: Systemic chemotherapy, usually given before and after surgery. Chemotherapy is given to shrink the size of the cancer, destroy any remaining cancer cells at the surgical site, and reduce the risk of the cancer coming back. Chemotherapy may be the primary treatment option for inoperable cancers or for cancers that have spread to other parts of the body.

Radiation therapy: In some patients, radiation therapy may be prescribed as a primary treatment for targeted destruction of residual cancer cells after surgery or for tumors that cannot be completely removed by surgery. Careful planning should be done to minimize radiation exposure to healthy tissues surrounding the tumor.

Targeted therapies: Discoveries and developments in the field of molecular diagnostics have led to the development of targeted therapies for specific genetic mutations associated with childhood sarcoma. It minimizes possible damage to healthy, normal cells; At the same time, it also stops the growth of cancer cells.

Childhood sarcoma presents unique challenges due to patients’ age and development. There is a need for better treatment methods for such disorders. An accurate diagnosis, a multidisciplinary treatment plan, and ongoing support can help with recovery and coping.

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