Fatty Liver: Ways to Cope

The liver is the second largest organ in our body. It removes toxins from the blood from the body. The liver extracts all the nutrients from food, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Mainly, the liver transports nutrients to the various organs of the body. The liver supports more than 500 functions in our body. Taking care of the liver, which performs many important functions in our body, is very important for the overall health of our body.

If there is any problem in the liver, the damage to the body can be very dangerous. Fatty liver is one of the most important causes of liver damage. According to research conducted by the US National Institutes of Health, fatty liver disease is on the rise worldwide. Data suggests that nearly 25 percent of the world’s population is affected by it.

Fatty Liver: Normally, our liver cells contain a certain amount of fat; When the amount of fat increases beyond 5 to 10 percent in the liver, it leads us to some dangerous situations.

If not treated properly, it can cause serious liver problems; It can also lead to great danger. Knowing the causes, symptoms, and treatments for fatty liver can help reduce the risk significantly.

Fatty liver is a condition caused by excess or unnecessary fat in our liver. This disease is caused by excessive fat deposition in the liver.

There are two types of alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD) caused by drinking and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) caused by diet or lifestyle. This disease is associated with many medical problems such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, and insulin resistance.

In the early stages of fatty liver, it may not show any symptoms. Thus, it cannot be detected easily. The danger of fatty liver starts here. If fatty liver is left untreated for a long time, liver inflammation can progress; End-stage liver damage eventually leads to stable cirrhosis and liver failure; There is a risk of death in this condition.

Symptoms: Symptoms of fatty liver are not obvious to many people. Many people don’t even know they have this disease. In non-drinkers, the severity of the disease begins to show later. As the damage progresses, the following symptoms may occur:

 Extreme fatigue, weakness

 Increased liver enzyme levels (AST, ALT)

 Increase in insulin and triglyceride levels

 Liver inflammation

 Frequent vomiting, loss of appetite

 Rapid weight loss

 Swelling in the upper part of the abdomen

 Itchy hands and feet can also be a symptom of fatty liver. This itching problem may be more in the evening and at night.


 Excessive obesity

 People with type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance in the body

 Eating too many (refined) carbohydrates

 Frequent consumption of sugary drinks such as soda or energy drinks

 Digestive disorders

 Hepatitis C, genes, side effects of some drugs

Treatment: Currently, there is no approved drug as an effective treatment for fatty liver disease. Research and clinical trials are ongoing to develop drugs that can help cure fatty liver disease.

In today’s environment, when diagnosed with fatty liver disease, lifestyle changes and dietary changes are recommended as methods of controlling the disease.

What to do? – This problem, which used to only affect people over 40 years of age, is now affecting children as well. Obesity can worsen fatty liver problems. It is very important to maintain a healthy diet on a daily basis. Also, exercise at least 30 minutes daily.

Avoid alcohol and smoking completely. This issue is not one to take lightly; It is a serious problem that can lead to other health problems as well. However, excess liver fat can be reduced through measures such as increasing the level of physical activity and following a healthy diet; It can also reduce the risk of future complications.

To be included

 Healthy foods rich in whole grains
 Broccoli, cabbage, spinach
 Soy protein
 Fish like salmon, sardines, whole grains like oats
 Milk, low-fat dairy products  

Things to avoid

 Drinking, smoking
 Sugary soft drinks such as sweets, soda, fruit juices
 Fried foods
 High salt intake
Fatty foods
High starch and low fiber foods such as white bread, pasta

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